What makes Prescolaire des Petites Etoiles different?

We are one of the only French/English preschools in Edmonton. We are not French "immersion" but rather French "introduction." Many of our children do contine on into French Immersion education and this program provides them with a good foundation; however, our main aim is to ignite a love for learning, exploring, and discovering.

How big are the classes?

The maximum class size is 16 children plus two educators.

Do you offer afternoon classes?

For September 2023, we will offer Monday-Friday mornings only; however, we will open up an afternoon class if there is enough interest. Parents are able to enroll their children any 2-5 days of the week.

How much fundraising is involved?

As s non-profit organization we do rely on fundraising to cover a portion of our expenses. Throughout the year we hold various fundraisers including our silent aution at Christmas and chocolates at Easter. Every second year we participate in a Casino fundraiser. Aside from the Casino, participation in fundraisers is appreciated but not mandatory. Our most recent Casino took place in April 2022, so our next Casino will not occur until the 2023/2024 school year.

Are parents allowed to volunteer in the class?

"At the end of the day, the most overwhelming key to a child's success is the positive involvement of parents." ~ Jane D. Hull

Parent involvement helps to create a positive environment and experience. It also models for children the value of involvement and participation. Being a classroom helper or leading a reading group, helping organize events, field trips or fundraisers enables parents to become more familiar with the preschool and build a network of other parents. By taking an active role in the early childhood education process, parents can benefit their child's overall development.

Are there parks and playgrounds nearby?

There are! Our preschool is located one block away from Paul Kane Park, four blocks from Oliver Park, and seven blocks from Kitchner Park. Plus, we have our very own mini playground right on the property!

Do you provide snacks?

We ask parents to send a small, nut-free, healthy snack for their child along with a water bottle. On special occasions throughout the year, we will provide fun treats for the kids. This will be communicated to the parents.

Does my child need to be potty-trained?

Yes. We ask parents to send a change of clothes for their child in the event of toileting accidents.